Module 6: Military Education & Religious Education & Correctional Education

 This sub-field is the one that I have the least experience with or exposure to, so I found this week's readings and content to be especially interesting. While I don't think this is a field that I will like go into, mostly because I just do not feel like I am personally well-equipped to go into it, I have incredibly high regard for those who do work in this field. 

Dr. Joel Brady's interview was very interesting and humbling. When I think of the challenges I have as an adult educator they are so insignificant compared to what he has faced and the mindset it takes to do the work that he does. Even the seemingly mundane things like being able to bring paper into the classroom offer challenges when within a prison setting. Also, the Inside-Out Program is amazing and I have no doubt that setting up dialogue across such contrasting lines will absolutely change the world. 
